Who wants to play some BINGO?!
Get ready for a night of family fun at our PTA Bingo Night on January 31 in the Keller cafeteria! All ages and abilities are welcome to play Bingo for FREE - there is no admission.
The PTA will be collecting NEW gloves and mittens so we can donate them to a local warming shelter and help those in need, so we ask you to consider bringing in new gloves to add to our collection box.
Enjoy the opportunity to win prizes, purchase delicious snacks, (various snacks and drinks are priced at $1 each,) and spend time with other Keller friends and families.
THIS IS NOT A DROP-OFF EVENT; students must have an accompanying adult to attend.
We need volunteers for our event, please sign up here!
Questions? Please reach out to our Committee Chairs Sarah & Julie at bingonight@helenkellerpta.net