2022-23 Keller Talent Show
The Keller PTA Performing Arts is proud to announce our annual talent show: The World is Our Stage. All risk-takers (students, parents/guardians, and teachers) are invited to dust off their tutus, tune up their instruments, practice their backflips & magic tricks, or warm up their voices, for any act under TWO minutes. Participation is limited to one act per student.
To participate, please complete the participation form/permission slip on the back of the flyer that came home with your child. Extra copies are available in the Keller lobby.
Permission slips are due February 14, 2023. You must have a permission slip turned in to get an audition slot -- no exceptions!
All acts must adhere to a two-minute time limit.
Keller parents and/or guardians are invited to perform with their child. (We can't wait to see the creativity in our Keller community!)
MUSIC INFO: On the permission slip, please include the name of your song, artist, and cut times. If possible please provide music to the committee via email/ USB by February 25, 2023, and we will add it to our playlist. You can also submit songs via USB at the audition. CDs will not be accepted. You may bring your own device to play the required music for the audition. You also have the option of bringing $2 to auditions so we may purchase the music for you. Music for singing acts may NOT include lyrics (please submit the karaoke version).
Only music, lyrics, dress, and acts appropriate for elementary-age audiences will be permitted.
All students must follow district behavior guidelines to participate in this school-related, PTA-sponsored activity.
Attendance at the audition and both rehearsals are mandatory to participate in the show. IMPORTANT: A parent/guardian must be present for the audition in the Keller cafeteria, rehearsals at the ROMS auditorium, and the show at the ROMS auditorium.
Each child must have a separate permission slip to participate in the show.
To volunteer to help with the event, please let us know on the permission slip.
Sign-up Genius link coming soon!
The event is free for children 11 and under. Tickets for adults are $5/ticket
Date: March 1 & 2, 2023
Time: 4:00 - 6:45 pm
Location: Keller Cafeteria
* The co-chairs will provide a link to sign up for an audition time slot after February 14th.
* Parents accompany students. Acts should be 2 min or less and limited to one act per student.
Date: April 20, 2023
Time: 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: ROMS Auditorium
Date: April 21, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm (Performers arrive at 5:15pm. Meet in the auditorium by the stage.)
Location: ROMS Auditorium
Email performingarts@helenkellerpta.net